
Basic Checklist For All Content

weavingthoughts Training March 31, 2016

Basic Checklist For All Content

PART 1 – All Content

1. Format/Style according to samples shown by managers.

2. All sub headings for every piece have to be different and unique. In a new manner. But the type of content to cover remains similar.

3. 1-2 sentences per paragraph. No paragraph of more than 3 sentences.

4. 1 to 4 or so paragraphs per sub heading. Line gap between Paras and between para and sub heading.

5. 1 or 2 sections of bullet points. With 4-6 bullets each.

6. Beginning/Ending can’t have bullet points.

PART 2 – SEO (For SEO Content Only)

Assuming a 500w writeup.

1. Primary keyword in the:
Excerpt (bold)
Last 50 words
One sub heading (optional)
Once in the body (optional)
Total 3-5 times including all of that above.
Nothing apart from the use in the excerpt/title/sub heading will be bold or italics.

2. If the brand keyword and primary keyword are different, then mention the brand keyword once or twice. No bold/italics.

3. LSI Keywords Variants:
2-5 different keywords. Once each.
Try to use once or twice in the sub headings.
No bold/italics.

4. LSI Keywords Antonyms/Synonyms:
4-6 different keywords. Once each.
Try to use once or twice in the sub headings.
No bold/italics.

5. Most importantly. No keyword stuffing. Shouldn’t be written for Search Engines. Should be written for real readers.

6. Has to read naturally and be natural overall. The keywords can’t be placed such that the reader feel the content is SEO’d.